Interviews today woohoo!
I have to apologize again for audio mistakes. It's not so easy to listen to the recordings, but you can understand the words if you try a little harder than usual.
I saw Joe walking on the sidewalk and just decided to interview him. I like that he was not in a rush. We stood on the corner and he moved out of the way when people had to walk by. At that moment I thought he was being considerate and it made me feel happy. I feel like I'm describing this in the way that Data (star trek) would.
Joe was nice. I didn't feel like I was annoying him at all. I think he was open to being interviewed. Joe asked me if he would be on tv. Was that a joke or did something about me actually make him think I could get him on tv?
He said he goes to grant park with his girlfriend and they just enjoy the day from there. AAW! I imagine them sitting on a bench and talking and not talking and smiling and having cute exchanges. He said that he "will never leave" the city. I don't feel like I will necessarily always be somewhere or never go somewhere. I wonder if he's done any traveling. Does he have desire to explore? Not just different locations, but anything--is he exploratory in whatever he does at work? Does he read books and desire to explore more books of that theme, or by that author?
I actually took a picture! This is the park where I found Cindy and Carlos.Cindy was in a park smiling and throwing a ball for her dog.
When I asked if I could interview her, she made a face and said"interview?"
From the experience of having done some interviews already, I know a good way to make people feel more comfortable with it. They aren't expecting to be interviewed and it seems like people are hesitant to give something without knowing what it's for.
I tell them where I go to school, tell them it's a research project, which is true, and they feel better because they know what's going on. That's all pretty predictable, but it's part of what happens so I state it.
She has pride about being born "in the city limits". And like Joe, she said that she "will never leave." How can people say "never" so easily? It is easy to say "never" and "always." What if something changes?
She said the physical environment of the city makes her feel happy.
I want to know what "happy" means for Cindy. It doesn't mean the same thing for everybody. In a sense it probably does, but I want to know what it means in the context of Cindy.
I'm not hunting until I find that. I don't want to pry that out of someone. I don't have the tact for that. I'll have to use my imagination, like in the drawings I posted earlier.
Carlos was sitting on a bench in the same park as Cindy. A girl was with him. I asked if I could interview them. She said I could interview him, but she didn't want to do it. Carlos is the first person I interviewed that wants to leave Chicago. His main reason was to find a warmer climate, but he also wants to find a different culture, energy. I felt pleased for feeling like I could relate to this, but based on his body language, vibes I got, general impression, I think I'm more different to Carlos than similar as far as the way we think about the environment around us.
He said that he goes to Montrose beach to "absorb the energy that's all around me". That phrase stuck out to me because it wasn't as typical as generalizations that I've heard so much in these interviews.
Generalizations, or typical phrases that I've heard in response to "Why do you live here?" : "It's just beautiful." "I was born and raised here." "It's just great I love it." because of "the culture, the hustle and bustle."
I want people to pour their hearts out to me! I don't expect them to.
What are people thinking all the time? I think of things all the time.
I want people to be able to explain their statements.
This is the sky above the park after I did the interviews.
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