Sunday, November 13, 2011


New project started in which I asked 10 people to do this:

" Help me out with an art project by telling me the following things:

Today (or tomorrow, just choose one day to record the following factual info)
What did you eat
How much time did you sleep
What kind of exercise did you do, and how much (walk, bike, run, yoga, etc.)
What did you wear
How much time did you spend indoors and outdoors "

My plan is to re-enact these days according to the information they give me. I chose 5 people who I interact with here in Chicago and admire for their physical beauty, and the other 5 are very close friends of mine who live far away from me. There's a duality to this project in that I am looking at how I see my physical body and how I compare it to other people's physical appearances, and then I'm also trying to bring myself closer to certain people who I can't be with right now. So I'm studying two parts of my everyday consciousness--two things that I think about a lot on a daily basis.

The first day was Wednesday.
These are the facts I got: 
"What did you eat- plain yogurt and peanutbutter, japanese udon noodles with green unions, salad with butter beans/nutritional yeast/lime/olive oil/garlic/lettuce, lots of tea, coconut water, banana
How much time did you sleep- 3am-9:30am, 11am-3:30pm, 5pm-6pm
What kind of exercise did you do, and how much (walk, bike, run, yoga, etc.)- walked around in the apartment, pushups and streched
What did you wear- sweatshirt no bra, sweatpants, slippers
How much time did you spend indoors and outdoors- 0 time outdoors (except to take out recycling, lots of empty bottles)"

Here are some photos from the day:
 The day before, buying supplies.

 What I did until 3 am before going to sleep.


 Food debris from dinner time.

The second day was Saturday.
Facts for Saturday:
"Ate Alpencheese (strong gruyere), Alpensalami, peanuts, water, pasta, Alpensausage, eggs, swiss chocolate
Slept about ten hours every night (9pm-7am)
Hiked in the alps for about ten hours each day (8am-6pm)
Wore running shoes, wool socks, wool pants, synth underwear, a belt, wool base layer, wool sweater, wool hat, wool mittens, and a backpack! Alpensheep!
Spent ten hours a day outside, hiking, and from 6pm to 8am inside."
 Breakfast: Gruyere and egg.

 I wore a belt.

                                                      Found this while walking.

 Walked by one of my favorite places, A. Finkl and Sons foundry.

Ended the walk meeting up with my friend in a playground.

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