Monday, October 3, 2011

Fry Guy and Daniel the Valet Guy

I biked down Armitage the other night and interviewed 2 people.
I apologize for the crappy sound quality. It was windy. It sounds bad. There's a couple of moments where I "generated silence" (thanks audacity), and it's abrupt. I'll do better next time.

The first guy, I forget his name. I chose him because I saw that he was just standing there. He was waiting for his order at a hot dog place. He smiled a lot. He seemed content with his situation of living in Chicago. He didn't have much to say. The part of that interview that sticks out to me is when I asked him if traveling gives him a fresh perspective on living in Chicago, and he replied: "I don't know I never really thought about stuff like that." I was kind of disappointed that he doesn't think of stuff like that, but not everyone does. The world is made of lots of different people, etc.

The next guy, Daniel, was also just standing there, because he's a valet guy, and he also didn't have much to say. I found it curious that he decided to tell me that he was in a bad mood. And I appreciated that. I wouldn't expect a total stranger to tell me how they feel without me asking. His responses seemed like generic answers for why you live in Chicago. Answers taken from a tourist guide to the city. Maybe if he was in a better mood he would've thought about it more. Well, what he said basically implied that.

I realize now that I'm catching people off guard by doing this. They aren't expecting to be interviewed. So, not that I feel like I need to find reason for this project to be "worth it", but just the part about making something unexpected happen to someone is satisfying to me.

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